America in the Age of Confidence 1900-1919
1. Gilded Age Reading and Questions. Directions: read and answer questions that are in the unit's slides.
2. Lewis Hine Photos on Child Labor. Directions: view the video from the link list, answer the question: if you were in congress at the time, how would this photos influence how you crafted child labor laws?
3. Arts & Crafts reading. Directions: complete the reading and complete the attached diagram.
4. Artwork Study #1. Directions: Select an artwork from this unit's slides. Choose to write a one page detailed description, or draw a detailed study of it.
5. 1900-1919 Quiz. Directions: select a principle or element of design. Describe the artworks from this unit through the lens of your principle or element.
Jazz Age 1920-1929
1. Research Project. Directions: view the slides from this unit. Select an artist that interests you. Complete the packet's questions and draw one artwork from your artist in great detail, on a large piece of drawing paper.
2. 1920-1929 Quiz. Matching artists to artworks.
America in Crisis 1930-1939
1. Artwork Study #2. Directions: Select an artwork from this unit's slides. Choose to write a one page detailed description, or draw a detailed study of it.
2. America in Crisis Reading. Directions: read and respond to questions about the American Great Depression and Dust Bowl.
3. Dorothea Lange. Directions: view video and describe (in discussion or written) what makes Ms. Lange's work unique? Address her style, choice of subject matter, use of light and composition.
4. Migrant Mother Tiled Mural. Draw one section of Dorothea Lange's photo: Migrant Mother
5. 1930-1939 Quiz. Matching artist to artworks, fill in the blank, and short answer.
War and Its Aftermath 1940-1949
1. Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms. Directions: update each of the four posters for 2009.
2. Notes on the Artwork. Directions: view the artwork for the unit, write down 5 things that you found interesting.
3. Artwork Study #3. Directions: Select an artwork from this unit's slides. Choose to write a one page detailed description, or draw a detailed study of it.
4. 1940-1949 Quiz. Matching artist and titles to artworks, matching themes to artworks, and short answer.
America Takes Command 1950-1960
1. Abstract Expressionism Reading. Directions: read your selection and write a summery.
2. Erased de Kooning Opinion. Directions: view the video, find the link on the right. Write a response to the question, which interpretation of this artwork do you agree with? Is it art?
3. Thomas & Krasner Reading. Directions: read the interview and answer the attached questions.
Redefining the American Dream 1950-1960
1. Artist Research. Directions: select an artist from the unit. Research what you can about the artist, the style of their work, and the artwork from our unit. Write one page or present to the class.